Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I visited the TV station today. I officially start on friday, but today was my "tour." Only instead of touring, I followed a crew out, which basically means I still don't know where anything is.

It was alright, they were nice to me. Though I have to worry even more about watching my back now. Because it seems like one of those places where office politics get played out to the extreme. Already, I've heard people talking shit about other photographers, or instances in which photographers got a total chewing out by people for something that wasn't even his/her fault. And the photographer I shadowed pretty much told me I better cover my ass at all times. And all the really experienced photographers I could learn a lot from sound like they're hugely testy, angry people, that you bother with questions at your own risk.

Good times. On the other hand... I won't know until I've been there for awhile how bad it actually is. And I really do want to learn and get a real job in video production someday. So I'm going to keep at it, and try to avoid the angry people as much as possible.

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