Thursday, January 13, 2005

Today was my tour of the TV station. But I didn't go.

I haven't started the internship proper, but I had scheduled a visit for today so I could look around and know where things are, etc. The problem: snow.

My mom has a crazy irrational fear of driving in bad weather. Hey, I'm not downing her for that. I have crazy irrational fears about serial kilers, needles, and killer bees, none of which are common enough to kill very many people (well, needles are common, but getting your blood taken isn't liable to kill you unless it's something stupid like a dirty one). But people die in car accidents every day, so hers is actually a bit justified. Except, the nice thing about being afraid of killer bees, is killer bees don't come along very often to fuck up your plans for that day. Whereas bad weather: all too common.

Anyway.... I think I could've driven there despite the snow(it's an 45 minute-1 hour commute on the interstate), but she kept ranting and raving about how I shouldn't go, and just pumped me up FULL of fears. I'm not hugely confident on the interstate anyway, and she just keeps repeating over and over how horrible it is and how I'll end up dying in a ditch somewhere. She wouldn't let up. I did start to go, but I chickened out before I got on the interstate. I really feel horrible about wimping out on this, because I don't want them to think, "Oh, she'll be a crappy photographer, one sign of bad weather and she bails." Anyway, we called them and they said I could re schedule. And since this was a day where I was just touring the place, it's not like they NEEDED me there and I copped out. But I still feel awful about it.

Is this the way a toy feels when its batteries run dry?

--"Guernica," Brand New

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