Thursday, January 20, 2005

So.... I haven't screwed with anyone's head on AIM in a long time. Mostly because I haven't met anyone dumb enough in awhile, it's certainly not maturity. I'm as juvenile as ever!

Anyway, there was this guy on my AIM list from like, forever ago. He actually used to read this blog, and linked me for awhile, but then we didn't talk anymore for a long time. So on a whim I IM'ed him to see if he has any idea whatsoever who I am. And he didn't. So I consider him dumb enough to torture. This time, I used the "hey, YOU IMed me FIRST!" gambit. Which.... even dumb people see through, I don't know why I like it so much. Most of them don't even get mad, they're just like, "Um, you can't believe I would fall for that, and you're incredibly lame to even try," (which I am) and stop talking to me. But this guy totally got all angry at me. Really, this isn't all that much worth reading, but I feel obligated to document all my AIM mindscrewing, no matter how lame.

Phoemeister: ......and then, the monkey said, "Rectum? Damn near killed 'im!"
NArg: what?
Phoemeister: what?
NArg: who is this
Phoemeister: who is what?
NArg: what do you want
NArg: who are you
NArg: why did you im me
Phoemeister: hey
Phoemeister: I think it's YOU who has to do some explaining here, mister!
NArg: Who the hell ARE YOU
NArg: seriously
Phoemeister: I'm the PERSON you IMED just now
NArg: no, i didn't. You imed me at 12:15 and u said "......and then, the monkey said, "Rectum? Damn near killed 'im!"
Phoemeister: I did not! You just made it up!
NArg: ok, im blocking you now
Phoemeister: Fine. I'm blocking you too!
NArg: well i don't know WHO YOU ARE
NArg: i don't have you on my IM how can I IM you???
Phoemeister: well I don't know WHO YOU ARE EITHER.
Phoemeister: well I don't have you on my IM
NArg: then why did you IM ME??
Phoemeister: you IMed ME!
NArg: no.. i did not
Phoemeister: yes you did!
NArg: yes you did, and im not sure why, but screw you for trying to play mind games with me.

I think I would quickly become a pathological liar if I were any good at it in person.

I am the root of all that's evil
yeah, but you can call me cookie.

--"Fire Water Burn," Bloodhound Gang

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