Sunday, January 30, 2005

Man, you know it's going to be a pretty good year when 3 of your top 6 favorite bands/artists (yes, I have a top 6 all thought out, sadly) are releasing new albums. Ben Folds, Idlewild, and Lifehouse all have new albums soon. The annoying bit? My birthday's in February, but I can't ask for any of them, because they're all supposed to (unless they get pushed back) come out in March or April. I guess it is nice to be so well off that for your birthday, you can't think of much to ask for, but on the other hand, it annoys the family, and it would be so much simpler if those three bands just released their albums before my birthday. So I think everyone who reads this should petition them. What are you waiting for?? You lazy bastard, sitting on your ass reading this instead of pestering bands for me! I can't believe you!

The albums (which, honestly, I hardly ever am inventive enough to ask for non-music items) I'm thinking of filling this void out with are:

Fountains of Wayne--whatever album that Stacy's Mom song is on. No, I have no enduring love for the Stacy's Mom song, but it IS catchy and I've been told by more than one source that I would just love them, and all their songs are that catchy, only even better because they've not been played to death on the radio.

Idlewild--some crazy old album of theirs. I've never gotten it because I've heard they changed a whole lot between that album and the ones I have, but I figure what the hell.

Creedence Clearwater Revival, greatest hits--I've gotten oldies greatest hits before and then am disappointed to find that the only one I ever listen to is my Simon & Garfunkel greatest hits, but I think it'll be different with CCR. ....I have no real basis for that decision, but we'll see.

And that's about it. If anyone has ideas for an album they think I should get, you should totally tell me, because I'm coming up dry. Oh, also I'm thinking of a couple books.

I've seen some old friends kinda die
or just turn into whatever must've been inside them
whatever all of us had then in common
grew up and left home

--"Video," Ben Folds Five

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