Monday, December 17, 2001

Day 2 of job:

I was more competant, but it was more boring. Possibly because I actually showed up on time this time.

It was like my previous job, working at the old lady store, only without me being alowed to pee. This burns me up. That should be an unalienable right, the right to pee. Although, according to the simpsons.......(hastily paraphrased)

Marge: "You're advising me to get a divorce? Isn't that against our religion?"
Rev. Lovejoy: "Have you ever read this thing? *points to the Bible* Technically, we're not even allowed to go to the bathroom."

But, then again, any institution that bases its rules on the Simpsons is kind of sad. Plus, if it were the simpsons, I'd probably get to have a bottle or something to pee in under the desk, and no one would ever know. Muahahahaha!

Uhm......what else is happening in my life?

A girl in a store laughed at my Forrest Gump impression the other day. Which made me feel better, because my own family was there, and they didn't really find it very funny. It's good to know someone thinks so.

Yea, I have a pretty pathetic life :P

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