Wednesday, December 05, 2001

If I were a work of art, I would be Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

I am extremely popular and widely known. Although unassuming and unpretentious, my enigmatic smile has charmed millions. I am a mystery, able to be appreciated from afar, but ultimately unknowable and thus intriguing.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

What I find amusing, is that the stuff I just pasted up there has: Copy and paste this HTML code to add this vital information to your web site above it. Pointless fun on a wednesday afternoon: yes. Vital information: no

Ooh, and I think I should've picked bright colors instead of earthy ones. Mona Lisa is a bit TOO earthy for me. If I change it to bright colors, I get the Salvador Dali one with the melting clocks. Whoo!

And...uhm...with black and white, I still get the melting clocks. I'm not exactly sure how that works......

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