Sunday, November 17, 2002

Bleh. I had another major headache today. Not a migraine, because most of my headaches come from my neck, but as near as you can get. And with the throbbing. Oh, and why is it that people who get migraines all act like it's some sort of club you can't join, when you get one?

Me: I think I had a migraine
Migraine Sufferer: No. It was a regular headache.
Me: How do you know?
MS: I just do. You can't have possibly suffered what I have suffered.

Anyway, I HAVE had migraines before, and this was about as bad. Anyway, I'm disturbed at how often I get really bad headaches nowadays. It's not enough I get one cripplingly painful problem (IBS), I have these headaches as well. Way too often. It also pisses me off. If I'm doing this bad at 20, when I'm all old my life is going to be hell. I'll eat more pills than food. IF pills even do anything for me.


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