Sunday, November 24, 2002

The corn field girl is in town for thanksgiving break, and we're going to hang out soon. I think this is awesome.... We aren't hugely close, sometimes it gets awkward, but I really love the fact that she's the one friend I had in high school that still hangs out with me, and doesn't act like I'm a leper because I go to ISU. Plus, it's awesome in the way we play off of each other in our goofiness. Also, if I make a stupid joke, she goes with it instead of acting too cool for me and my stupid jokes.

Also: I am SOOO excited. They've started putting out ads for the new Star Trek movie. AWESOME. I mean, a lot of dorky movies have/will come out this year, but THIS is the one I'm really excited about. Lotr, Ep II, Spiderman...... But Ep II blew. And Spiderman could never hold a candle to Star Trek. LotR comes closer....... but it's Star Trek: Nemisis all the way for me! Do you know the last time I was this excited about a movie?

When Star Trek: Insurrection came out!* I was still in high school back then, and on the dry erase boards in all of my classrooms I wrote: Countdown to Star Trek: Insurrection (number of days until insurrection). Sometimes I even added "Resistance Will Be Futile." under it, even though that one didn't have borg in it. I really annoyed some people, it was all I could talk about.

Anyway: really excited now that they've started showing the ads for Nemisis. I am sort of sad, though, that they're being so slow in coming out with them/the rumors that this is to be the last. I mean, the next generation crew started out older than the original crew in the first place, and on top of that, it ran way longer, so they probably won't be able to make them too much longer. And honestly, except for IV, the Next Generation movies are WAY better than the originals. And something tells me they won't make any movies off of DS9, Voyager, or the new sucky Star Trek (Enterprise), because none of them are near as popular as the first two. D'oh. Why doesn't the world revolve around my tastes?

*if it came out after ep 1. Then that was the last one I was way excited about. I didn't know that it sucked yet. At least Insurrection turned out well.

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