Friday, November 01, 2002

Ugh, I know that I would be awash in self hatred after I started writing my novel, but I didn't know it was quite that bad. Maybe I shouldn't write using old RP characters, I keep wanting to add in miniscule details that have evolved about them over the time I've RPed them, and while details are good (I'm bad at coming up with details when the chars aren't from old RP's) I keep wanting to add them in inappropriate places. I don't want funny things, such as the fact that Elvis always dresses in a tweed suit with a bowler hat and one of those bowties that turns like a propeller when you press a button on it, to go to waste, so I'm like...inserting that fact where it's totally irrelevant and forced. Also, I found myself coming up with new irrelevant (and somewhat disturbing) facts and inserting them where they don't belong either. Also, I can't see where this novel is going, and I want it to be funny, but I want it to be clever funny, not "hey, laugh. My first character is a trout named Elvis."

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