Friday, November 08, 2002

"the wind blew me into a hurricane"

This is a line in the chorus of one of the songs on one of my new CD's. Today, I was listening to it as I walked, head down, into a 4 star gale. This amused me.

Honestly, on days like this, I'm reminded of all those old depictions of settlers coming into this area, and comparing the prairie to the sea, because the wind blew the grass in waves. I have a specific image of what this must've looked like in my head, even. It comes from some disney video full of tall tales like Paul Bunyon and Pecos Bill that they used to show all the time at my grade school for no obvious reason.

Anyway, pictures like that make me think that maybe we still have all this wind because we're not as highly urbanized as some parts of the country, there's not as many buildings to block it. But I can be standing directly next to a building and still be blown around. I have specific instances of this. Most of them involve Hamilton hall. Sometimes I think all the wind on the campus comes from Hamilton hall. Honestly, the east coast and the west coast are in together on a conspiracy that involves making buildings that emit wind, such as Hamilton hall, in the midwest to cripple our spirits. And we don't notice, because we're used to that Paul Bunyon video and think the midwest is naturally windy.

Actually, the wind wasn't too bad today. Well, it was just as bad as ever, but it's a lot warmer out today than it has been for the last several weeks, taking the arctic bite out of the wind, making it not so bad. Refreshing, even. Well, except for the dirt that blows into my eyes. But I close my eyes, and it's all right.

Anyway, I feel like a moron this week. Usually my moronic tendencies involve losing things, but this week it's definately getting up at the wrong time. Yesterday: I woke up late. Today, I forgot a class was canceled, and got up for it anyway. Hurried to make it, even. Hurried because I spent 15 minutes of my "getting ready" time on my hands and knees for fifteen minutes searching for my deoderant. It would be too ironic for me if deoderant actually did cause Alzheimers. Can you imagine forgetting where you put the very thing that made you so forgetful in the first place? I still haven't found it, I guess I'm stinky for today.

Strange note: while looking for my deoderant, I found a ziploc bag with a piece of pizza in it under my bed. And I haven't had pizza recently.

*I use anyway as a segue way too much

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