Tuesday, November 19, 2002

My day has not been so great. I hate to be one of those old ladies who gripes about their diseases constantly, but I am SO SO SO goddamn fucking sick of being sick. Lately, all day I feel like crap. Or crapPING, to be more specific. I am so so so so so tired of it. I just want to be better.

Aside from that........? Well, I had a test in Mass Com today. When I was at Anthro, the class I have before that, I realized I had no pencils to fill out the scantron with. And dude, I bought pencils specifically for this purpose last week. I even had them in my backpack yesterday, but must've taken them out after my Intro to Com Theory test, for no freaking reason. Anyway, I don't have time to go back to my place to get pencils in between anthro and Mass Com.

So I went to the nearby University Bookstore to buy some. It took me forever in line to buy them, and I was only behind this one guy. But he was being all chatty, and had bought a million things. I hate lines like that. At least if there's a lot of people and it moves fast, you can see how progress is being made. But one guy standing there forever telling the cashier who he bought each thing for, while I'm standing there holding one freaking pack of pencils, just drives me up a wall.

Then, of course, I leave my CD player there, in this cubby where they make you put your backpack before going in. Honestly, that thing annoys me even when I'm not being a moron and leaving things there. It's like, "We're the only store around this town that makes you do this, we pretty much think you, our students, are filthy, filthy thieves." Hey, you're the filthy, filthy thieves. I'm the one paying you vast amounts of money in exchange for breaking my will to live.

Anyway, I went back and got it, and then got to class at about the time I would've arrived had I just went back to the dorm to pick up the pencils I already had.

And anthro's being dumb lately. Right now we're on this whole unit that's basically, "Stop being racist because everyone's nearly the same genetically." I'm so tired of being told not to be racist. If you're not racist, you don't need to hear it. If you are racist, logic isn't going to enter into your little pea brain anyway. I'm not against some anti-racist messages, because there are probably a few people on the fence that need to hear it. But they just have to hammer it in, the same as anti-smoking propaganda that obviously NONE OF THE STUDENT BODY LISTENS TO BECAUSE THEY ALL SMOKE. Leave me alone.

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