Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Data Angel linked to this really cute site where this guy puts up pictures of dogs he sees around and then puts silly captions underneath. Anyway: it was, as she reccomended, quite amusing.

Now I want to segue into the fact that the guy who makes it also has a page of homemade postcards he's scanned in before sending to people, though, and I have to label it the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time. It makes me want to totally rip off his idea and make my own and send them to someone. Only all my irl friends are all proper and stuff and would be frightened, and I don't want the hassle that comes with sending any to my internet friends and trying to keep it secret from the parents at the same time. But dammit, I really WANT to.

Anyway, my personal favorites are these three:


The Fight of the Century

and last, but not least, Iggy

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