Friday, February 18, 2005

So, two days before my 23rd birthday, I find myself contemplating this:

nobody likes you when you're twenty three
and you still act like you're in freshman year
what the hell is wrong wiht me
my friends say I should act my age
what's my age again?
what's my age again?

--"What's My Age Again?" Blink 182


a decade ago
I never thought I would be
at twenty three
on the verge of spontaneous combustion
woe is me
but I guess that it comes with the territory
anonymous landscape of
never ending calamity
I need you to hear
and I need you to see
that I have had
all that I can take
and exploding seems like a definate possibility
to me

"Pardon Me," Incubus

And I wonder which one I'm more like. Though I probably have both going on. A couple years ago, when I was all bitter, I listened to that Incubus song constantly. A few years before that, when I thought most people were way more mature than me, I was all about the Blink 182 song. Now I hope I'm more balanced than I was at either time. Though I'm probably not. Nowadays, I spend all my time at work crying in the bathroom and avoiding eyecontact with other people. Which means there must be a third, angstier song about my situation out there that I just don't know about.

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