Sunday, February 27, 2005

So the pancreas.... doin' alright. I've spent yesterday and the day before doped up on pain pills, which is always fun, and today I'm doing okay without them. I actually got Friday and today off from work at the station, which is kind of a plus. Honestly... I dread going there. And then once I'm there it's usually not that bad. But when I'm at home thinking about it, I'm just like, "dontwannagodontwannagodontwannago." I guess it's the unpredictablity of the job that worries me, which is stupid because that's why I wanted to go into this biz in the first place, I didn't want to get all bored doing the same thing every day. Anyway, due to my mom's overprotectfulness, I'm probably not going to work tomorrow, though I think I could if I wanted to.

Phoemeister: wouldn't it be ironic if green lantern really didn't like green
Phoemeister: but was..... you know, stuck with it because of that stupid ring?
Sui: haha
Sui: "god I hate this stupid color"
Phoemeister: he'd beg and beg for it to make something blue
Phoemeister: but all he could get was green
Sui: I long to be the fuschia lantern
Phoemeister: DUDE
Phoemeister: you would be a KICK ASS fuschia lantern

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