Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Well, I forgot to mention it on the blog, but I'm directing at TV-10 again. Somewhat. Not the actual news, but a friend of mine put together a show called "After the News" and needed someone to direct, and apparently no one was available. So she called me up and bam!

I jumped at the chance because I've sort of been depressed lately. The station I work at is not very warm and fuzzy. I mean, no one's been mean to me, but they all talk shit about each other behind everyone's back, and there are certain people who hate certain other people, and you can't be friends with certain people unless you want to risk other people being pissed off.... I constantly feel incompetant like I don't know what I'm doing, because, in my opinion, I wasn't as well prepared as I should've been in some areas. I'm just waiting to REALLY screw up on something and all hell to break loose. And I'm nervous around most of the people anyway, because I am like that around new people. The only person there that doesn't freak me out is this guy who used to work at TV-10 back in the day, so we were already aquaintances.

So anyway, I came in to do it. It was a little disappointing in that most of the show was going to be put together in post production, so there was not a lot of work for me as the "director." But it was still something. And I got to see some of my old friends. It's always a little sad to go back to places where half of the people have moved on, but it was still nice to see the people who hadn't.

The show itself should be pretty good. The part of it I helped with, the interview, was with someone whose family was in the area affected by the Tsunami. There was also supposed to be a fashion segment, which didn't really happen because the one chick who was supposed to do it pretty much bailed, which I suspected she would because I knew her last semester and she always seems to be bailing on things. Another bit is going to be a conglomeration of some of the better material from TV-10 News over the week. The best bit (I am surmizing, it wasn't finished when I was over there yet, so I haven't seen the first installment), though, I think is going to be the food segment. This guy (and I know him too, and it especially makes me laugh because this is exactly the type of thing he would do) is going to go to someone random woman's house every week, with a photographer, and ask her out to dinner then critique the food.

So that's what I did tonight. I'll probably visit again sometime during the day, when more people around. I need to anyway, there's some stuff I shot back in the day that I never put on my VHS resume tape that I'd like to.

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