Saturday, February 26, 2005

Like the new template? Well... I admit the coding's kind of ghetto, I basically took the old one and JAMMED a picture into it. But I really wanted to show it off, it's actually a drawing of a character I used to RP called "Phoenix Trafalagar" (and Phoemeister itself is kind of a bastardization of that name). Anyway, my AWESOME friend Tina/Talia commissioned it from this guy who calls himself Youma. I actually think it captures the essence of Phoenix a little better than I could've described it. I liked it so much I decided to make it part of the blog.

The title "Welcome to the Monkey House" is actually kind of coincidental, I just got REALLY tired of "Angry White Girl," and changed it on a whim a few days ago. It's the name of a Kurt Vonnegut short story. The story itself, while not bad, is not one of my favorites by him, but I felt the title lent itself well to being the title of a blog as well.

You've had bad luck
you've had bad luck
you've had bad luck
and I know what it feels like
to have bad luck

--"Mistake Pageant," Idlewild

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