Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Apparently I don't have to pay for my own razor blades. That's a relief!

The headphones are only going to set me back about $25. So...still expensive, but much less scary. I learnt the aforementioned in my radio production lab. It's interesting, the grad student who teaches it was actually in my Career Choice class about a year ago. She seemed nice. The class looks like it will be good, aside from the requisite "This class is a lot of hard work, get your ass in gear" lecture everyone seems to need to give me this semester. It kind of annoys me, I understand that they're trying to warn you to get out, but do they really need to rub in that the class is hard quite so much as they do? I'm tired of hard classes. I want someone to be like, "Yes. This is an easy class." Also--I hate how everyone in radio seems to know each other already. They all work at the radio station, which I've never ended up doing. Which I'd like to, but something always comes up during the one informational session they have about it every semester. Anyway: feeling like an outsider: never cool.

TV production lab (also today) was better that way. No one seemed to know anyone else, or to know particularly more than anyone else about the subject matter. One little annoying thing is that I have to help with stuff at our TV station for 20 hours this semester. Not that annoying, but it just seems like, "Oh great. One more thing I have to get done." Because I'm going to have TV production projects, radio production projects, media writing projects, and ACS programs to get done. They all sound veerry time consuming, difficult, and frankly, terrifying to me. I think this will be the first semester at ISU I've actually had more than one class that challenged me. And while I get the pride of a job well done a lot more in a challenging class than in an easy class, it still just seems like too much. And I also feel like a wimp because I'm only taking 15 hours, and I know all these other people who do just fine with more, and jobs besides.

I do think the TV production people and I will make friends, if only because we're drawn together by common confusion:

*after class*
Girl: Did he ever say his name during class?
Me: Uh... I don't thiiink so. I was hoping he would, because I need his name to look up the syllabus online, it won't come with just the class/section number.
Girl: Aw. I came in late, so I wasn't sure.
Guy: Hey, do you guys know what books we're supposed to get? He never showed them to us in class.
Girl: *shows guy the books*
Me: Oh good, those are the books I got. I'm always afraid I've bought the wrong books when the prof doesn't show them in class.
Girl: Do you know if he ever said his name during class?
Guy: No, I don't think so.

I still have a class at six, bleeeeh. And it's ACS bleeeeeeh. My will to live has already been broken, why do they even bother heaping on "Hardware and Software Concepts?"

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