Wednesday, January 22, 2003

I hate college. HATE it. The people who say its the best years of your life are smoking crack. Probably literally, with all the druggies on campus. I just want to get out of here and get a job already. I'm so sick of having to pretend I enjoy paying thousands of dollars to sit in a classroom and have some ass tell me what an abacus is and explain how to convert numbers from base 2 to base 8 to base 5, and then convert the word "cat" into binary (converting c, a, and t into ASCII, and then converting the ASCII value into binary). I swear, at the end of class he all looked at me and asked some question about whether or not I was having fun. I glared at him. I know it's not polite to glare at a professor who's looking right at you, but I did it anyway. I hate him that much. But he just kept looking at me, like he didn't get that the Look Of Death(TM) means, "No. I do not have fun in this class." So eventually I just gave the dude a thumbs up. He could sort of tell it was sarcastic, but man do things go over that guy's head. And he's always making these dumb jokes about how me and this other girl are the only two females in class. And he tells ALL the dumb programming jokes. If I have another professor tell me that "half a byte is a nibble!" or that "the first computer bug was a REAL bug--a moth that flew into the machine and caused some things to short out!" I will commit suicide. Or homicide. Maybe both. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. And he's not even a mean guy. I just hate him.

Speaking of mean, my prof for 169 (La Clase de Diablo) IS mean. Today she told us that we couldn't have any variable names that are 2 or more words long without capitalizing the first letter of each word or putting an underscore in between the two words. Well, the program we are doing now was assigned on the very first day, way before she told us that. And its due friday, so we all (hopefully) have a considerable amount done. Anyhow, I raised my hand and asked her if this one program could be an exception, because she hadn't told us until now.

She was SUCH a jerk about it. Not only did she say no, she was mean about it. She was like, "No! You should've learned how to do proper variable names in 168. Variable names without underscores or caps are UNACCEPTABLE, and you know it!"

You bastard! If I knew it, why would I have fucked around with the wrong variable names for this huge program, thus causing me an IMMENSE amount of more work and time going back to change them? If we were supposed to learn it in 168 why did you just TELL US? If we knew, why would you even bring it up at all? And they didn't tell us in 168. All my programs had the "wrong" variable names for the entire semester, and I was neither told about nor graded off for them. You suck!

But of course I didn't say anything. I didn't even argue that they hadn't told us in 168 because I knew she wouldn't believe me, and it wouldn't stay a discussion, we would've had a knock down drag out grudge match then and there. Which would be entertaining, yes, but good for helping me graduate from this rat-hole? no.

I just want to get out. I squirm and sulk through even the "good" classes. I hate it here.

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