Sunday, January 05, 2003

Wanda: What's One by One like?
Me:I know this is blasphemy, but I haven't listened to it enough yet to tell
Wanda: *GASP!!!!!!!!* THat _is_ blasphemy!!!!!! When you're getting married to Dave Grohl and the priest asks if anyone knows of any lawful reason or impediment why you shouldn't marry, I'm gonna put my hand up and tell DG about this!!!
Me: "But Dave, I had like, 8 other new CDs at the time *sobs*"
Me: "And I had just gotten The Sims: Hot Date. Very distracting!"
Wanda: Yeah, and he's be all - "Damn you!!!! I thought you loved me!!! We're not getting married!! And I'll tell you something else... I was having an affair with Wanda the whole time!! I was only marrying you so I could kill you and get your riches!!!"
Wanda: ('cause by this time he's penniless 'cause of Courtney Love sueing him)
Me: LOL, Dave's got a mean streak
Me: ah, I see.
Wanda: *nods*
Wanda: Only with you... he's wonderful with me.
me: You bastard!
me: He'll come back to me when he wants a real woman!
Wanda: Don't you mean a real MAN!?!
me: Aw naw you did-ENT! It's on now, girlfrien'!!!! You goin' down! Yo mama!
me: I'm going to kick your ass from here to new beepingshire and back again!
Wanda: Oh yeah?! OH YEAH?!?! YOu know what?! YO momma!!!
me: No! YO mama! And I really mean it, too!
wanda: Ditto.
me: You aren't even trying anymore.
me: anyway, I'm really a woman, and Dave will soon realize that he loves me.
wanda: Yeah, until he meets me.
me: And he'll realize you smell, and tell me to stop being friends with you, and I'll be like, I can't do that, not even for you, Dave, and he'll be like, alright, just keep her away from me, and I'll be like okay.
wanda: Mmmmmmmmm-hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *sceptically*
me: HA. You spelled skeptically wrong
me: Dave could never hook up with a loser like you
wanda: Well if the only other choice was you he would've, dmanit!!
me: Hey, he knows a real woman, with real spelling skills any day. He'd totally pick me! Besides, you smell. Remember? He thinks you smell.

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