Sunday, March 27, 2005

My Easter was decent. My family doesn't really do anything religious, we just went out to brunch at baker's square, and it was nice enough.

Then I went to the station. Teeechnically, I think I could've gotten out of it for Easter, but I came in anyway. Sundays are the least of my worries anyway, DB doesn't work them. Anchor lady is about the meanest person on Sundays (actually plastic hair is but I don't have to talk to him very often), and she was really nice to me today, perhaps because she was happy I came in on Easter when I didn't have to.

I felt bad, I had to call her up and ask her for directions on two different things, but she didn't lecture me or anything.

Aaanyway, I did a bit of fluff about the nice weather today, going and getting people washing their cars and flying kites etc. The other thing was this passion walk at a church where they re-enacted Jesus's last days.

I swear, I cover more religious things. It's weird to think of church stuff as news, actually. I'm surprised there aren't any like, muslim or jewish or other people who aren't pissed off that we do so many christian stories. On the other hand, the religious people I meet seem to be really nice. Though.. I guess a lot of people are nice to me when I have a camera in hand. But still, I enjoy the niceness. It was kind of awkward, though, this one guy asked me after I went through the Passion Walk, as it was called, "Did you get anything from it?" and I was like, "Yeah, I think I got a lot of good shots..." and he was like, "no, I mean spiritually," and I had to lie and be like, "Oh yeah. You know, I never saw that Passion movie because of the violence, it was nice to come here and see the same sort of stuff presented in a more family-friendly manner." Which... I've watched a ton of violent movies. And christianity DOES make me uncomfortable sometimes. I want to believe, I really do. If wanting to believe made you believe, I would've became a devout christian years ago. But I just... can't. And I get uncomfortable with things that remind me of it.

Though the passion walk wasn't that bad. Since there were little kids going through, it was quite watered down and not that intense of an experience. But I wasn't about to tell the kindly old dude who helped me so much, in front of the other kindly churchgoers who also helped me around the church a flat out "No." Or, "Sorry, but I am un-religious." Which is what I call it instead of atheist. Because atheists are committed to believing there's no god. Whereas I would, as I said earlier, totally become christian or any other religion if I could make myself. Going around without a belief system is pretty depressing sometimes. I'd like to know how athiests do it. Then I'd probably commit to athiesm.....

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