Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Well, I'm trying to start up Troubled Youth again, and am looking for people to post. If you don't know what this is, here is a condensed explanation: it's a collaborative blog where I and everyone else involved takes a post-it note and writes an observation or something sarcastic on it, and posts it in a public place and signs the note "Troubled Youth," then posts it in the guestbook of the site, or if they're a member, actually on the site. A more detailed (possibly less confusing) explanation is on the actual site.

A friend and I came up with the idea years ago. Unfortunately, we are rather lazy and I posted not too frequently and she even less. And then, I couldn't even post at all anymore, because Blogger was not publishing because of the template or something.

So yesterday, I got an e-mail from someone who wanted to join. You'd be surprised at how many residual hits I get for that site even though no one posts anymore. And in reaction.... I overhauled the ENTIRE template. Which was a huge pain. But I like it more than the other template anyway. The other template was busy as hell, and I only put up with it because my co-creator liked it because she thought each individual post looked like an actual post-it note, and would sort of go with the theme.

Also, the ONE graphic we do have looks much better on a black background. So it's all good. Post-it note something for me people! Or badger your friends to! Or link to the site, even. I'm beggin' ya here.

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