Friday, March 18, 2005

So I went to the Mennonite Relief Sale for the station. It ROCKED. If you don't know (and you probably don't), every year the Mennonites around here get together and sell pies and other food and auction off stuff and it's pretty decent. They have the best food.... strawberry pies, strawberry cheesecake, doughnuts, icecream..... and those are just like, the AWESOME things, they also have porkchop whatever and other pies and popcorn and anything else you'd want. And handmade crafts and whatever else. It's pretty cool. And the people there were SO nice to me, this guy actually got out this wheely thing to help me carry my equiptment. I do get tired of, "Oh, you're a girl, you must be having trouble carrying that," but I do secretly like it when people help me carry stuff. Because hey, I'm no amazon.

And the people I interviewed were nice, and the other random people were nice too. Though it was self serving, to get their stuff on the air. But I don't care. If people ask me too shoot something, I'll shoot something. I might not use it later, but I'll shoot it. So when, as happened today, someone's like, "You have to get this hand carved moose!".... well, I get the hand carved moose. And they gave me free chocolate on a stick. Man... you don't even need bribes. Give the photographer 75 cents worth of chocolate, and you're totally getting a good story. From me, anyway.

One of the best bits was I actually saw someone I knew from high school there. She wasn't part of my core group of friends or anything, but we were somewhat friends back in the day. She's so nice, and fun. We hadn't talked in like, five years, but we ended up laughing so hard at our jobs (lack thereof) and any number of topics. It was really nice, I was sorry I didn't have more time to socialize.

The only bad thing today was douchbag photographer was a douchebag to me again, but I'm kind of not that upset about it anymore.... I guess I'm to the point where I realize that he's a douchebag to EVERYONE, and it's not personal, so it's just like.... water off a duck's back.

So it was a fairly good day.

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