Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Remember how awhile ago I mentioned this guy, who I know from a film class at ISU but I don't remember his name? And how I was certain I'd end up in some sort of Seinfeldian situation where I would need to know and not know and problems would arise?

Well, it happened! Apparently he tried applying to the store to get a job, and mentioned that he knew me on the application. And boss-boss asked me the other day if I knew this guy, or if he was just someone who randomly put down the name of the person who handed them the application (like some people apparently do). And I was like, "Uh, no. Never heard of this dude before in my life!"

Then he came in tonight and was like, "Um, by the way I put your name on my application." And I was like.... crap! So I asked him what his last name was (I figured this I should be able to do without looking like an ass) and it totally was the guy who I said I didn't know. BUT, I managed to look like not a total ass, because apparently he goes by his initials, so I wouldn't have known the first name he used on the app anyway, and obviously neither of us knows the other's last name as he didn't even put mine on when he applied.

But anyway, I told boss-boss about it and she didn't seem to think it was that weird that I didn't remember his name. Especially because of the whole initial thing. And she asked me if I thought he was a stand-up guy, and I told her how he was really nice and noticed I left my CD player behind in class and he saved it and brought it to the next class for me a long time ago. She really thought that was nice of him, and apparently his application looks good, so he actually might be hired. So that makes me feel better about accidently screwing him over with my poor remembrance of names. Also: what better illustration of karma is there ever? I mean, I don't know if I believe in karma in a religious sense, but really: doing good things for other people really does make good things happen to you. Because this guy was nice and saw that I left behind my CD player and saved it for me several years ago, he might be more likely to get a job he's applying for. How cool is that?

In other news, I was talking to this customer who wanted a new lightbulb for this little reading light. We offer replacement batteries, but not bulbs. And he was looking around at the lights we do have, I don't know why, and all sad that we didn't have the same one as he had (though we have 8,000 others). Then at the very last minute he mispoke and said something about batteries, instead of bulbs, so I thought maybe he had been looking for batteries this whole time, so I offered him batteries, and he says, very loudly, "I don't need batteries! I got batteries coming out the yin-yang!" I thought that was hilarious. I'm going to use the phrase coming out the yin-yang as much as possible from now on. Also funny: Kevin was around, and he only heard that last bit, and I had to explain to him how it escalated into "I got batteries coming out the yin-yang!" Which, Kevin's becoming quite fun to work around, I think he just must be the type that's really quiet until they get comfortable with you. But he really reminds me of my sister, there's this one trait they both have that I really love: they seem so serious, and you get in this mindset that they're serious people, but then they both just say something incredibly hilarious out of nowhere and it's a thousand times funnier because you don't expect it to come from "the serious one." Also, he saw the little things I wrote on those cards I mentioned, and showed me one and was like, "I'm gonna get whoever did this!" and then was like, "Just kidding." And then I felt bad and admitted to him that I actually was the one who did it. But he didn't seem mad. But I felt bad even though I came clean. Eh. I'm way too neurotic.

Oh, and while I'm mentioning things I love about coworkers: Mouse* has been cracking me up lately. He does this thing if I'm going to or from my car and he's already in his car going to or from the store, where he pretends to run me over. He never gets close, and it's not that funny, but when he does it it cracks me up so hard because he makes this face like he thinks it's just hilarious, and for some reason that makes me laugh. Also, the other day he came up to me with a banana in his pocket and said, "Yes, this IS a banana, AND I'm happy to see you." I should be horrified, but actually I just laughed my ass off. There's something in his delivery.

Sista: I love, LOVE how she gets all my lame jokes and thinks they're funny. The other day I made this horrible joke about how we were all in a square during morning meeting, and everyone's like, "Err, whatever," but she just thought it was great. And she's said before that I'm hilarious. I love the ego massage, but it's also nice to know that someone "gets it" and I'm not the only one on earth saddled with this bizzare sense of humor.

Carmax I also love that we get each other's jokes. But the thing is, I'm not exactly sure if we get them or just like laughing at each other. I swear, we get hysterical when we're together for some reason. They have to keep us separated, like we're kids at school, or else we'll explode.

I told her the yin-yang story today and she thought it was hilarious and also vows to use "out the yin-yang" as much as possible too. Oh, and also, she and I and this one manager who I have yet to come up with a pseudonym for have developed the habit of saying hello to each other like from that one episode of Seinfeld. So in a way, I have just come full circle (having mentioned seinfeld at the beginning of the post).

* For his love of Modest Mouse

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