Saturday, November 12, 2005

So, I got in a fender bender on the way to work today. Actually, probably the first one I've ever had that wasn't my fault.

I was in a left turn lane, and this lady was trying to get into it ahead of me, even though I was bumper to bumper with the car ahead of me. I like to think of myself as a fairly nice person, so I actually think under normal circumstances I might've let her in even though pulling in that close to someone who's bumper to bumper with the person ahead of you is kind of a tool-ly thing to do, in my opinion. Especially since the lane was really full, and I probably wouldn't get through the next light if I let her in ahead of me.

BUT, I was late to work, there'd been some construction I hadn't anticipated taking like five hours to get through, and we have a very strict policy on what constitutes being late (if you're six minutes late, it's an "occurance" and I'd already had one not that long ago due to a homecoming parade). So I was determined to make it through that fucking light.

Anyway, the damn woman pulled up so close to my car that as I went forward she scratched my entire car from the front to the rear. Then she followed me to the store's parking lot and started yelling at me and calling me a bitch and being all like, "I had my turn signal on, you bitch!" and I freaked out and ran into the store without getting any insurance info from her. And I was also still fixated on getting into work on time. I just couldn't think. I was shaking afterwards from the adrenaline.

So, yeah, that sucks.

On a lighter note, I'd like to inform you that one of my bosses, Lister*, said this, and it really cracked me up, "....and that was the night I ended up out on the street drinking with bums." He's actually one of the people who gave me my original job interview, and we bonded over our love of sci-fi. And he mentioned tonight (somehow we did get on the topic of my job interview) that I was fidgety. And that's what you're not supposed to do at job interviews. And I said, I know that, but it makes me even more fidgety to think about how fidgety I am. And I must've done something right, I got hired.

Oh, also, I have to thank Tina for loving Terry Pratchett, because if she didn't, I probably wouldn't know anything about his books, and Lister LOVES Terry Pratchett, and he totally loved me when I knew who Pratchett was. True story.

OH, and by the way: I finally remembered what I was so mad about in that dream that I threatened to stab them: they were playing the steel drums, and for some reason I didn't want them to (I dunno why, I don't have anything against steel drums, really) and they wouldn't stop and it really pissed me off.

* That's a character name from Red Dwarf, which I think he is into.

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