Saturday, November 19, 2005

So I think New Guy has an El Camino. The other day, I got off work and there was an El Camino parked next to me, and I went home and was like, "Guess what! There was a bitchin' El Camino next to me in the parking lot today!" And then today there was an El Camino next to me, so either I'm being stalked by someone with an El Camino, or it's someone who works there, and since I figured I'd notice by now if it was anyone else.....

New Guy, btw, is our new Corporate Sales Representative, who's basically responsible for doing cross promotional things and trying to get corporate accounts and stuff half the time, and then the other half of the time he does regular seller stuff like the rest of us. Technically, New Guy will not be the new guy by tomorrow, when Mulva has his first day and will be the newest person, but... I already have a pseudonym for Mulva and I don't know New Guy well enough for anything better than New Guy.

Tomorrow is going to suck, btw. There's this mandatory meeting at 8:00 a.m. that you have to go to even if the hours you work don't include 8. My hours DID include 8, but of course someone needed their schedule switched around (freaking prima donnas!) and Lister was trying to fill the hole and comes up to me with this sheepish smile on his face like he's about to ask me something I won't like and I want to run in the other direction but I can't. And he asks me if I'll switch my hours... and I do.

In other news, I knocked over a huge stationary display today. I didnt' break anything besides my dignity. It was sad. I also had lunch in today, which I don't very often because it's kind of weird to sit around in the break room alone eating. But today Elaine* had her break at the same time today, and we ended up talking and it was pretty cool, and then Kevin and New Guy were about to start shifts but ended up coming early and having nothing to do but loiter around and talk to me. Oh, and once again, I have to say "adorable" is the best ever adjective for Kevin. I made some joke to New Guy about how I loved everyone at the store except Kevin and then very fakily pretended to just realize Kevin was in the room all of a sudden, and he pretended to hide behind his sandwich. Tell me that is not the cutest thing you've ever heard of a grown man doing! Which: btw, don't take "adorable" and "cute" the wrong way, I have no aspirations toward seducing Kevin not only is he a supervisor, but he's married too. Also, he and I ended up talking about the Hulk and how Surfjan Stevens is on both our christmas lists and deciding we were separated at birth. True story.

* Elaine is one of the managers, after boss-boss she and Lister are the highest ranked people at the store. I call her Elaine because she is obsessed with Seinfeld, and I can't come up with a better name. We HAVE discussed a ton of movies together though, and we share a love of Wonderboys and Napoleon Dynamite. And she's SO much fun that sometimes I forget to be paranoid around her that she's one of the higher ups.

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