Thursday, March 13, 2003

<? 100 Things# >

This is my "100 things about me" list. One hilarious thing about it: I wrote it over several days, and you can definately tell what mood I was when I was writing. Particularly one day where I'm really depressed. Anyway, if the depressing part is too depressing, just skip a few forward to get back to the goofy ones. When I get back to school I'm going to put these all on their own page, but for now I'm posting (and yes, I know, UL's and OL's go weird on this page). Here goes:

  1. My eyebrows are a much darker color than my hair, for no discernable reason.

  2. I am not afraid to sing show-tunes or do a Darth Vader impression at a second's notice.

  3. but I am deathly afraid of expressing an opinion in front of people I want to
    like me.

  4. I have freakishly small hands

  5. My middle name is Lynn.

  6. Because of this, my dad used to call me "Lynyrd Skynyrd."

  7. Only few months ago, my mom found out that Lynyrd Skynrd really is a band, and
    not some nonsense he made up

  8. My heart must be like a FURNACE, because my hands are always cold.

  9. I love pop punk. I think its just a natural recognition the mating call of my
    kind, nasal-sounding people.

  10. Not only am I nasal, I talk really loud and slow.

  11. This is the bane of my existance

  12. Well, one of them.

  13. Another bane: ISU. I've been going here 2 1/2 years, and have been through 3 roommates,
    though I am currently living alone.

  14. I am a major in Mass Communications

  15. I am minoring in Applied Computer Science Information systems with an emphasis
    on Application Development

  16. This means I will probably have to live with my parents after I graduate

  17. I do not want to live with my parents after I graduate

  18. Even if I have to survive on unemployment checks and the occaisional grifting.

  19. My parents mean well

  20. But my mom and I don't mix well

  21. After an arguement about the shoes I would wear at my sister's wedding, my Mom took me
    aside and explained to me that I should behave because, "Females like to have nice
    weddings." How is that supposed to make me feel?

  22. I mean what, am I neuter or something?

  23. I have a thousand other examples such as the above and I also harbor a sneaking suspicion
    that she likes my sister's dog more than me

  24. She is probably right that I'm not a female that is likely to have a wedding

  25. I am 21 and have never been kissed, or even out on a date

  26. I did have an internet relationship once.

  27. He told me once, "Helen of Troy might've had the face that lanuched a thousand ships, but you
    could bring them back, I think."

  28. But he never said "I love you," back.

  29. Most of my best friends are internet friends as well

  30. Though I still keep in touch with a couple of my high school friends.

  31. My best friend in college told me she never wanted to see me again last semester. And

  32. I've only worked 4 months in my life, and they were both jobs a trained monkey could do

  33. My shoe size is 7

  34. But right now I'm wearing size 9

  35. They're my sister's hand me downs. She had this freakishly long, crooked big toe, but
    when she got the toe un-crooked, it was long enough that she had to bump up a shoe
    size, and her old shoes are now mine, all miiiine

  36. My windows are drafty. Very drafty

  37. My favorite candy is Goelitz Champagne Bubbles. My dad gets them from the company store.

  38. I think I have to pee more often than most people

  39. I definately poop more often (and painfully) than most people

  40. I hate doctors

  41. I eat a lot of cheese

  42. In fact, I just had half a hunk of cheese for dinner tonight (I wasn't too hungry :P)

  43. Also, every time I'm at Steak N' Shake, I get a grilled cheese sandwich with a side
    of cheese fries. Steak N Shake cheese fries are divine ambrosia.

  44. I am alergic to lady secret deoderant

  45. My sister is alergic to downy dryer sheets

  46. I got a my little pony accessory caught up my nose once. I even had to go to the
    doctor for it

  47. I was kind of old enough at the time to know better than to put my little pony
    accessories up my nose

  48. I've been to Ghetto Kroger (a not-so-well kept-up Kroger in my town) at 4 in the

  49. With a bunch of people who afterwards tried to convince me to snort pixie stix

  50. I said "no," and didn't give in to peer pressure, because I had learned my lesson
    about sticking things up my nose.

  51. Billie Jean is not my lover.

  52. She's just a girl who says that I am the one.

  53. But the kid is not my son.

  54. ACS broke my will to live

  55. I'm in the middle of the Canterbury Tales right now

  56. My copy is actually from Canterbury. How cool is that?

  57. Shut up! It's damn cool!

  58. My favorite book is Villains By Necessity by Eve Forward. It's one of those
    "small band of adventurers saves the world" books, only it's the villains that save
    the world, not the "good guys." It's also about how stereotypes are bad.

  59. I hate Tolkien's works. Yes, it's true. Send me all the hate mail you want, but it
    won't change the fact that Tolkien was a long winded sonuvabitch. His stuff is alright in
    movie form, but who wants to read 40 pages about what each damn dwarf is doing? Come on!

  60. I also hate Dickens. The man was PAID BY THE WORD for everything except for
    A Christmas Carol, which is why that's his only book that doesn't suck.

  61. My favorite "well-known" author is probably Kurt Vonnegut

  62. I have a signed, first edition copy of Slaughterhouse Five

  63. It's probably not worth that much, though, because the dust cover looks as if it's been
    chewed on.

  64. No, I didn't chew on it.

  65. Come on! I swear I don't eat my books!

  66. I got my wisdom teeth pulled during spring break one year

  67. I got my butt scoped during winter break one year

  68. My breaks just aren't very good

  69. My mom can play the accordian

  70. People always told me "be careful of what you do and don't go around breaking young girls' hearts." Hey,
    you try this without a running joke.

  71. One of my English prof's here at college used to have a ranch across from Ricky Schroeder's
    ranch. *nods* True story.

  72. I love Star Trek. I'm a Trekkie.

  73. I love Star Wars. I'm a Warkie.

  74. The posters in my room are "Kings and Queens of England," Stonehenge, The Matrix,
    LoTR (the movie, dammit), and Jimmy Eat World.

  75. I used to have all of the Star Wars pez dispensers, but they keep making more and more.
    And I don't know if I want to keep paying to buy them, because all of the new ones are
    thinly veiled versions of the ones I already have. (i.e. "Janga Fett" being one of
    the new ones, though there's an old, nearly identical "Boba Fett" I already have.)

  76. I want to be on jeopardy someday

  77. Hopefully college jeopardy. The questions are much easier

  78. Phoe likes to talk in third person.

  79. It is 1:26 a.m. when I'm writing this one.

  80. I hope I make 100 soon, this is getting hard. I mean, look at the last point. It was
    the time. The time.

  81. My favorite muppet is the "swedish chef," closely followed by "the hecklers."

  82. My favorite rapper is M.C. Hammer, because he's 2 legit 2 quit.

  83. My favorite country star is Billy Ray Cyrus because he had a mullet that just
    wouldn't quit

  84. My favorite Rocky is Rocky V

  85. My favorite Star Wars is Return of the Jedi

  86. Everyone who says their favorite Star Wars is The Empire Strikes Back is lying
    because their favorite is secretly Return of the Jedi, but they don't want to
    seem lame for enjoying Ewoks

  87. I DO enjoy Ewoks, dammit!

  88. Anyone who says their favorite SW is one of the prequels is just asking for me
    to kick their ass.

  89. I mean, Ewan is hot, but that can't make up for everything.

  90. Right now I'm watching an infomercial with Chuck Norris on it

  91. It's 1:40 in the morning and there's no cable in the house. What do you expect?

  92. Shut up! I do NOT have the hots for Chuck Norris. I'm sorry I even mentioned it if
    you're going to be that way.

  93. Seriously, my other choices are Jerry Springer, a spa infomercial that's even worse, and the
    test pattern.

  94. Maybe I'll turn off the TV now.

  95. I like to make jokes involving sexual intercourse with armadillos and weasels

  96. I enjoy canned mushrooms, but not fresh ones

  97. I draw my own crappy comic series

  98. Right now I'm having this strange episode of armpit pain

  99. My aunt's name literally means "manly."

  100. Dude! I TOLD you. I am NOT hot for Chuck Norris.

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