Thursday, March 06, 2003

Grr. Hiss. I've been sitting around in the computer lab for half an hour now working on my program.

Well, not so much working on it, as staring blankly at it. I can't figure out my &&^** problem, and my professor was no help whatsoever to me. She totally mentioned problems that have not much to do with my real problem. Which, I don't even know what the hell she's talking about with the other problems either, so I can't solve them. I HATE this major. I got a 50% on my last program, which I busted my hump on. Now, I'm probably going to get even less on this last one, because it won't even compile properly. I am SO discouraged. Why can't anything I program ever turn out right? Why can't anything I do work? It makes me feel so inferior. And it wastes all my time. And I want to cry. Sometimes I'm not entirely joking when I say ACS is breaking my will to live.

So now I'm at the computer lab. Blogging. Because programming does not work for me.

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