Friday, March 07, 2003

Well, i couldn't resist taking the Star Trek Personality Test

Only I was too lazy to actually answer all the questions and score them up and everything. I've taken the Meyers-Briggs before a couple of times and I'm INFP, so I looked for the results for that and I am:

Myers-Briggs would say that you are an INFP (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeler, Perceiver). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Garak and Kes.

AWESOME! Garak rocks. Kes never got all that much character development, I don't really like or dislike her. But Garak rules, man.

People like you are generally nonconforming yes, deeply passionate I have no idea, and highly dedicated to your personal values not really. You're reserved, which covers a sensitive spirit easily hurt yes, . You're highly imaginative and creative I would say so . You're curious and often study others quietly not really. You're flexible in small matters no . You don't dance to other people's tunes, but you can pretend you do sometimes . You get what you want by talking, not screaming ...not true at all if this applies to interaction with my mother.

You're loving and dedicated to people you care about, but you do not compromise your principles for them I guess so. Your sense of what is right comes first, even before yourself no. You respond best to people who respect your privacy until you let them in, then provide you with emotional intimacy I guess so.

You're not the world's most tidy person. ROFLMAO. You can say that again

Your primary goal in life is to be true to your deeply held beliefs and to live in harmony with your values. Your reward is to have your ideas benefit others. No

Good careers for your type include being a psychologist, human resources professional, Cardassian spy, physical therapist, translator/interpreter, legal mediator, college professor of humanities, and art director. Cardassian spy sounds great

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