Sunday, March 02, 2003

At 21 I'm falling apart

Armpit Pain
and now I have this pain in my little toe. I think that's because I cut the nail too short, though. The armpit pain, which started out kind of funny, is not cool. I keep reaching for things and end up reaching for a world of hurt. And I can't sleep the way I want to, damn you armpit pain!

A mental pain--my archives not showing up. This blog is what I'm going to leave to my grandkids (or, since I don't plan to have children, the neighbors kids) when I shuffle off this mortal coil. It's for posterity, dammit. I want the space aliens who discover this planet thousands of years after we have anhillated each other to read it and be like, "That Angry White Chick sure was something." And then they could find my hair and re-animate me from my DNA for one day to be with my android son! Errr..... something like that.

More mental pain: Workload this week. I have 3 papers and a program due this week. Plus I have to begin recording of my radio ad (I'm doing it on Toyota Prius) and work on my "Little Man Computer" programs which are basically useless assembly language code that SUCKS and I want to SMACK them for making me do it. Plus D & D which is like, "Hey, 8 hours less for you to get it all done in!" You bastards.

I don't think I'm going to show Igraine this site after all, btw. While it's all well and good to show this stuff to space aliens thousands of years from now, or traumatize children who don't know me very well with it, I'd just as soon play it safe with the only friend I have right now.

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