Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Grr, I don't want to start on homework. It's my break. I mean, I don't love homework on 3 day weekends or anything, but when it is actually labeled a break, I want to pummel the people who give me homework, shrieking, "It's a break! Break means a break from work, you bastard!" I mean, don't these profs have doctorates? Haven't they had a buttload of school? Do they not remember what it's like to have projects due on the Monday after spring break? Ugh.... I hate it.

Also, I'm getting more and more defensive about the fact that I haven't started my homework yet. I think up these excuses I would tell to my professors if they were around. Like, "I had to take Saturday off to decompress. I had a crippling headache on Sunday. I took Monday to shop so I would have one fricken day of fun over my damn spring break. What more do you want from me????"

Oh, and I also hate to attribute every bad aspect of my personality to my mom, but I think I'm becoming a hoarder like her. Basically, she buys a lot of stuff Our basement's full of her books, our living room is full of her tapes and CDs, we have a freezer that has literally hundreds of dollars worth of meat, a pantry full of cake mixes she bought in the late 80's, our laundry room is full of 2 liter bottles of pop, half our basement is full of clothes she doesn't wear anymore... Basically she buys lots of stuff, and never gets rid of it. And I'm turning into her. I bought 2 CD's yesterday. DUDE! As you can tell from a previous post, I had already gotten 14 of them since Christmas. And I bought about 50 dollars worth of books yesterday, that I don't even have the time to read since my professors assigned me homework over break, and I never have time to do anything anymore when I'm not on break. Though I'm better at getting rid of books I don't like after awhile (bookcrossing, baby ....soon, so sooon), I still have lots of CD's I don't like anymore (like the Spice Girls. Yes, I have a Spice Girls CD, it is my secret shame). Oh, and don't get me started on my closet. Though that's partly my mom's fault, she won't let me get rid of all the huge tee shirts/sweat shirts with cute animals that I bought in Jr. High and early high school. I'm sure I could slim down the closet considerably if I were "allowed" to give them to the salvation army.

In summary, I'm a materialist capitalist pig with a dash of packrat thrown in.

Ugh, I hate when everything comes out all jumbled like that. Anyway, I also have to post "100 things about me" sometime, I started it awhile ago after Bitsy did it, and finally finished during break, only it's on my other computer.

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