Friday, March 07, 2003

Still no comments. Stupid YACCS won't let me login to re-get my code, and I don't want to start another account and lose all of my old comments. Plus, I think you need an e-mail account they don't already have in their database, and I've pretty much given YACCS all my e-mail addys already. Of course, if I'd KNOWN my template was going to be reset, I would've saved it and reused the code I already had :P

I'm also feeling kind of annoyed about the program. The big problem I had was that I am stupid and couldn't see that I had put in something for debugging purposes earlier and had forgotten to take it out. The little problem I had, which is uncomphrensible to anyone who doesn't program so I'm not going to describe it, is still in the program, because I couldn't figure it out. So I'm getting a C or a D on the program, I'm pretty sure. What kills me about this class is I know what I'm doing, I get great grades on tests and quizzes where I have to write little snippets of code, but I can't actually program for real to save my life, because I don't have enough attention to detail to control every tiny variable in a huge program. Nor do I have the discipline to read through every line of code to find out what I screwed up on. Believe me, when I program, it takes 20 or more times longer to debug my code than it took to write it in the first place.

I'm also feeling dumb because we didn't have class today, but were still supposed to turn in the program to her today, if we hadn't gotten it done before then. Instead of going to her in her office and turning it in, like I would've had I been thinking logically, I put it in her mailbox in the ACS office. Then a few minutes later, I realized that she wanted us to turn it in in her office, and the program would be counted late or not at all because she probably wouldn't check her mailbox over spring break. So I ran back up to the office and had to beg them to give it back to me. I know that's not a big deal, but I just felt like such a moron.

Lastly, I register for classes the monday after i get back. They STILL don't have the registration booklets out. This pisses me off to no end. If I don't get the registration booklet before I leave for break, I won't have spring break to look at when everything's offered and what I need and arrange it. I'll have to try and do it on monday. Which wouldn't work so swell. Anyway, they say they'll have them this afternoon. I really don't want to stay here until this afternoon, I want to get AWAY from ISU (though I'm sadly not getting away from the loads of homework they assigned me over break, those bastards). In fact, if it weren't for that GODDAMNED PROGRAM, I could've left for break Wednesday afternoon. And I mean, what if I were going on a trip or something? I really think they should give themselves enough time to get the registration booklets out well before people register.

Yeah, that's all I have to whine about for now

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