Thursday, March 27, 2003

I decided not to do my El Classo Diablo program for this week. Instead of working my ass off for two weeks and getting a horrible grade anyway like I usually do, I just gave up from the get-go.*

The sad/funny thing is that even with attending all these extra com week panels, this gives me LOADS of free time this week. I'm not even kidding. I see what my life would be like had I not chosen such a wretched minor. The really sad thing, though, is that now that I have free time I spend it being mostly bored and lonely.

* This is partly because the program for this week is supposed to be done on a UNIX platform. Knowing UNIX was not a prereq for this class and it's not an intuitive platform. I was like, "Screw that! I can't even program very well on a windows platform that I know well."

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