Monday, March 17, 2003

Ah, registration day. A day full of dread, for me.

Even though I'm in the honors program, and thus get early registration, I'm still screwed over half the time anyway. Today, early registration in and of itself caused problems, because when I went to the ACS dept to fill out the request that lets me take their stupid classes for my minor, (which you have to do to take any of their classes that you haven't declared a major in) they didn't have them yet.

So, early registration--I still get screwed over by full classes, I have to wait to get ACS classes no matter what my designation is, and they never have the booklets or sheets I need to fill in on time. Damn them!

Still, maybe if I didn't have early reg, I'd get more screwed over.

Bookcrossing--I released my first 2 books today! Though I'm a little worried, the first one is still there hours after I've released it, for all I know, because I glanced at the spot later. The second book is gone, though, which bodes well. Releasing books to strangers is one thing, but just throwing them out with no one taking them is stupid.

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