Friday, August 20, 2004

Am enjoying the Olympics muchly lately, by the by. I don't usually like sports, but find myself freakishly emotionally invested in the athletes for swimming and gymnastics, though I only see them once every four years, and sometimes not even that if they only come once.

Anyway, I've noticed an interesting trend: the little mini-pictures they show of people by Bob Costas's head or on top of their records on things: very unflattering. Not sure what's up with that. But they've got one of Amanda Beard where she looks e-vil and it really freaks me out. And one of Gary Hall Jr. with, I kid you not, a porno 'stache. Though I really think that's more his fault than NBC's, for growing the 'stache in the first place. Unless someone at NBC altered the picture, which is exactly what I would do if I were the minor peon in charge of the little pictures. Only I'd add mutton chop sideburns too to make it classy.

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