Saturday, August 28, 2004

I went to the Normal Corn Festival today.

The problem if you go to enough of these things is that you see the same crafts over and over, I think when someone comes up with a funny phrase or innovative knick knack, 8 other people immediately copy. So you get really tired of reading "spoiled rotten dog lives here" signs or seeing the "hillbilly wind-chimes" (a whole bunch of beer cans on strings). In fact, I might not have even went if I hadn't been crazy to get out of the house today.

Otherwise a good time. I had my first funnel cake in I don't know how long, which was nice, because I'm crazy about them. I didn't have any corn though. I like fresh corn, but I am always cutting it off the cob because otherwise it sticks in my stupid glued on retainer, and couldn't really do it at a festival (I'm sure you were dying to know all of this).

Also nice: though I didn't see all of it, I did get to see some of a Gamma Phi Circus performance they set up there. Gamma Phi Circus is actually an ISU organization, and they're one of the few things about ISU that I admit really kicks ass. Basically it's a group of students (mostly tumblers, but they have some great jugglers, fire-eaters, etc.) that works all year perfecting these awesome tricks and routines then put on a show at the end of the year (the bit they did today was only a little sample). I always love it when I see some random guy on campus who's practicing his unicycle by riding it to class.

I also hung out at my sister's today. Which, I have grown to hate. I am just dying of boredom 90% of the time I'm there. But today was actually great. I think I've realized my problem is that my sister and her family are cool, but my sister and her family + my parents is awful. Because all my parents want to do is talk about the most boring subjects possible when they're with sis et al, which I don't know why, because one on one, the 'rents are much more tolerable conversation-wise.

Who does Number Two work for? You show that turd who's boss!

--My sister and her husband, taking a page from Austin Powers, when encouraging their son to poo.

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