Monday, August 16, 2004

On ego:

Phoemeister: It reminds me of how I screw with people's heads. Only he's lazy and doesn't start it unless people make the assumption in the first place :P
Talia: naw, not lazy, subtle
Phoemeister: Ah. I guess you know him better than I do. I just assume it's laziness, because if it were me doing it, it WOULD be laziness.
Talia: true true :-P
Phoemeister: I'm very ego centric. I realized that when I was at one of my high school friend's wedding showers. I hadn't seen her in a long time and had no idea on most of them, so when I was filling out that "how well do you know the bride?" sheet for the "how well do you know the bride?" game, I gave up after awhile and started supplementing pretty heavily with answers that would be more appropriate for "how well do you know Phoemeister?" without even knowing I was doing it at first.
Talia: doesn't hurt to have a healthy ego... hurts if it's bloated :-P
Phoemeister: Well mine is both unhealthily bloated AND shriveled. Like.... at some times I'm like, "I'm the shit! Everyone should worship me. FOREVER." But other times I'm like, "I should just keel over and die, I suck so much. I am a waste of oxygen." Hopefully it averages out to healthy :P

Sidenote: the crappy thing about having quotes all the time: I am always hearing something and thinking, "That would be a great quote." But then I always forget it and have to pull something out of my ass. I should write things down.

Other sidenote: am enjoying this blog, and am jotting down the url so I don't forget it like the quotes. I especially like the bee post. My own experience with bee stings is limited to one incident where I was stung on the bottom of my foot by a bee I accidently stepped on, so I actually feel the bee was justified in that case. And being excessively paranoid about being stung when I see bees around, or running afoul of the much heralded killer bees in general, the way I am excessively paranoid about nearly everything.

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