Monday, August 09, 2004

So, I went to a wedding the other day (for the friend I got the spice rack for). I have to say: weddings are awful. I mean, the actual ceremony is fine, I have nothing against that. But receptions...... yech.

Because usually I hate the food and know no one there. Plus, it's generally loud (by virtue of crowding that many people in a room + a DJ or band) and I get a dismal headache.

This one was a little better, one of my friends from high school showed up and we talked a little. But she was tired (for various reasons) and I was having one of the aforementioned headaches, so neither of us felt like talking after awhile. And I was going crazy because I was ravenous, they took so long with the food. And when they did bring it, I ended up eating three rolls because the main course was gross. Plus an entire mini roll of mentos that they had as a wedding favor, and half of my friend's mentos. I had never had mentos before that, but I was dying for some problem to arise so I could cleverly solve it and then hold out the mentos like in the ads. But fresh didn't go better, the mentos freshness didn't keep me fresh and full of life (do do do do-wah). Instead I ended up grumpy, and leaving early (though this "early" was after I'd been there like 3 hours even though they STILL hadn't served the damn cake yet) and devouring microwave macaroni and cheese at home.

The ceremony itself did surprise me a little though. This was the first wedding I've ever been to of a devoutly religious couple. So while most other weddings I've been to barely give lipservice to Jesus (if that), this one was ALL about keeping a Christian home, and keeping their faith, and making Jesus a part of their relationship, and not that much about the actual couple. Plus, they kept reading biblical passages pertaining to marriage. Which, I wouldn't have been that hugely surprised, except they picked the most chauvinistic-sounding bits, all about how the wife should submit to her husband and stuff. If I ever get engaged and my husband is all, "I want the biblical passage about how you should submit to me in everything read during our ceremony," I'm dumping him faster than J Lo, I'll tell you that much. But my friend who was getting married seemed happy, so I'm happy for her, at any rate.

I guess that's the only thing of note that's happened to me lately.

This rejection's got me so low
if she keeps it up
I just might tell her so

--"Self Esteem," Offspring

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