Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Another crisis a'brewin': I bought my school books today.

HOLY CRAP am I glad I'm only taking two classes this semester. I swear to you, those two classes have more required books than I usually have when I'm taking a full load per semester! The salespeople had to give me a box so I had any chance of hauling these things out to my car.

The first class, I kind of understand why there's so many books. The class is literature & film, so all of the books are novels films have been based on. I'm actually kind of interested in reading a few of them. I've got American Beauty, Death of a Salesman, the Maltese Falcon, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Fight Club, Shrek, Psycho, Catcher in the Rye, and probably a couple I forgot because it IS such a laundry list.

But the second class, I have like, four HUGE books on film theory, that I really can't see me and my lazy ways reading anyway, but I buy them out of optimism that I will even though I know I won't. A fifth, smaller one, is actually a book I had in McGee's class and really hated. Called, "Ways of Seeing," by Berger. Let me tell you, Berger is more full of crap than anyone ever besides McGee himself. Plus, it's a cultural examination, but it's SO out of date, it's from the 70's. It really galled me to have to buy it a second time (I sold it back the first time, not knowing there were two profs awful enough to require it).

Say it ain't so
Your drug is a heartbreaker
Say it ain't so
My love is a life-taker

--"Say it Ain't So," Weezer

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