Saturday, August 21, 2004

I wasn't too worried about the gallbladder removal leaving a bad scar. I mean, I've seen my dad's appendix scar, and that's from the days before laporoscopic surgery, and it's not even that bad. But I started worrying because people keep asking me if I am worried. So I got some of those scar removing things they've been advertising on TV lately.

What a gyp! It's basically these silicone things to put over the scar. No medicine on there (I looked all over the box to find the "active ingredient") at all! Just silicone. And I don't know why that would help. Plus, I have my doubts that it's even silicone. The little strips basically look just like the part of a band-aid that doesn't have the little pad on. I'm thinking you just wear these things until you forget what the scar originally looked like, and then after you take it off you're like, "Well, that's not as bad as I remembered" and that's your (or in my case, my mom's) money down the drain. Also: they're manufactured in Finland. I've never trusted those Finnish.

Something good that happened: the e-mail I lost is suddenly back. For no reason. I say "Yay!" though I am still puzzled over the incident.

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