Thursday, August 26, 2004

Still dismayed by parking. This time couldn't find a spot for a class that I had previously been able to find a spot for. What am I supposed to do? (other than wake up at 6 a.m. and then farting around campus for hours?)

Finished Catcher in the Rye yesterday. It was really weird... the last time I read it was Sr year of high school, and I remember being deadly earnest about how I was exactly like Holden Caulfield, and the world is stacked against anyone who doesn't want to be a sellout and all. And I mean, I should feel more like that than ever, I'm MORE isolated and directionless than I was four years ago. But I feel a lot more removed from it now. I think it's because I'm much more mature than I was five years ago (though probably still less mature than most people my age) and can see the amusing side of that book, so I got some good laughs out of it.

The best part of reading CitR in high school though: we got to write an essay on another book from the class as if we were Holden. Best essay ever, about the only time I've ever gotten to use the phrases "gives me a pain in the ass" and "sweating like a bastard" in a school paper.

He kept saying they were too new and bourgeois. That was his favorite goddam word. He read it somewhere or heard it somewhere, Everything I had was bourgeois as hell. Even my fountain pen was bourgeois. He borrowed it off me all the time, but it was bourgeois anyway.

--Catcher in the Rye

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