Thursday, August 19, 2004

Right now I'm trying to make a mix tape to play in my car (no CD player + I've no idea how to properly work the radio) and I'm realizing just how truly awful I am at it. First off, I keep loading up on my top 5 or 6 favorite bands. But what I really mean to do is load up on people who only have one or good songs per album instead of "wearing out" good albums that don't need to be chopped and mixed together anyhow.

Also, I'm trying for peppy songs, as that's the kind of driving music I generally like best. But I get tired partway through and start putting in mellow or sad songs. But I don't want that kind on even if they're good, because I just know that I'll want to fast forward them when I'm actually in the car, which is a pain with tapes.

Which I forgot to mention, this whole thing comes because I actually have a car now, my mom's old 1994 Camry. Now that it's got all the cigarette stink out of it, it's actually not too bad. My Mom got her new Camry the day I went into the hospital because of the gallbladder business, and with all that going on, I'd kind of forgotten to mention it. Anyway, I'm glad to have a car now, especially as I am commuting to school this semester. However, the tape I kept in my old car was YEARS out of date in regards to my tastes even before I had the crash, so I was sort of going to celebrate with a new car tape, but am finding it much harder than the first. Because I only had like, 10 CD's when I made it. And now I have over 10 times that at last count. Very tricky.

Also: FIIINALLY getting some progress done on the new comics page. The keenspace idea is out the window, because I never got the e-mail(s) I needed to give me my password or confirm my account or whatever, so I finally bit the bullet and got a Geocities page on which I've posted 3 of the 4 comics I've made and never put up on the old page (stay tuned for the fourth!) and am hoping to move the old ones too, sometime when I'm feeling less lazy than usual.

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