Friday, September 09, 2005

Well today was a little tedious, basically what I did for the first four hours at work was going through CD's to make sure they all had price stickers on them. And I went through a total BUTTLOAD and only found 3 that didn't, which shows you how lame and useless the whole process is. It's for inventory, which apparently we're gearing up to do, but I don't see how much of a wrench 3 cds that don't have tags can throw into it that takes longer than going through all the merchandise in the store. Still, I guess they must think so.

Then I did all the other stuff I'm always talking about for the rest of the work day. I had my ups and my downs. But the same 2 managers who said I did good before re-iterated their compliments. And a random coworker asked if I'd worked at one of the stores before, because I seem to know what I'm doing. Then a manager and I were discussing staff picks (I picked "A Wind in the Door," which is one of the sequels to "A Wrinkle in Time" which is a book everyone knows, but not necessarily has read any of the other books) and his pick sounded really interesting, and he was telling me the author wrote some other awesome book too. Combine that with all the books reccomended in the Nick Hornby book--and I am going to have to curb my book spending. Though, actually, most of these books sound pretty mainstream so I'll probably be able to get them at the library. Rock on, library! Which, btw, the Nick Hornby book IS quite good. It's like reading the blog of someone who likes books, and happens to be way more witty than I.

After work I also had dinner and a movie with my high school friend. I had potato skins (tres delicieux! I don't even know if that's french for delicious anymore, I'm just going with it) and we saw Constant Gardner. It was good, but I don't really see what all the hoopla and oscar buzz about it is. Also, thanks to the magic of 5,000 previews, I know that Jake Gylenhaal has like 3 movies coming out at the same time soon. Rock on, Jake! Are you going to be the next Jude Law? Only actually that good instead of just horribly overrated? I hope so. And I also hope that we can put that horrible "Day After Tomorrow" business behind us as soon as possible.

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