Saturday, October 02, 2004

Grrr... Why does society make us (or at least me) feel bad for going out places alone?

Today I mentioned to my Mom that I was going to go see Ben Folds, and her automatic response? "Who're you going with?"

Instead of being like, "Alone," I said "a couple of people from TV-10." Vague enough that even with my terrible lying skills I thought I could get away with it. The truth is though I've gained aquaintancy with most people there, none of them are really friends. And of the ones I do know well enough to know music preference, Ben Folds has never come up. And the only people I know outside of TV-10 are 2 friends from high school. Neither of which are into Ben.

But really, what is wrong about going to a concert by myself? And what's wrong about going to a restaurant by yourself either? I went to Pizza Hut last week alone on a whim, and though it might've been my imagination, it felt really awkward. I know I need more friends, but it's not like I haven't been trying the last four years. What's so darn wrong with eating out alone once in awhile in the meantime?

Did I make me up?
Or make this face till it stuck?
I do the best imitation of myself.

--"Best Imitation of Myself," Ben Folds Five

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