Thursday, October 14, 2004

I had a good, if long shift at TV-10 tonight. We did a piece on afterschool programs, so we went to an elementary school after school was out (the late start being why it was a long shift). We even interviewed the mayor of Normal, who was quite nice. For some reason, I've seen the mayor of Bloomington a hundred different times, but never the Normal mayor.

The kids were fun to work with, though a lot of them wanted to mug for the camera or give shout outs to their mom, which made it hard to get usable footage sometimes. This one girl we interviewed was hilarious. She was talking about all the different things they do, and was like, "Sometimes we go outside. If the weather's appropriate." And there was this one boy who totally cracked me up (this you would partly need to hear the inflection to get how hilarious it was) told one of the other kids, "I am gonna beat you up," and I thought it was so hilarious that I ended up sneaking it in there as B-roll, though you couldn't tell what he's saying unless you know already.

The best part was the standup, though. Last week when we did the standup for the story in Braden Auditorium, I did this really cool zoom in as my reporter walks over to a chair in the audience and sits down. And then the next morning when I came in* the people who looked at it were all, "That's the best standup ever! You guys do such great standups together!" so we wanted to do a really good one again. So at the outcue, where normally the reporter says, "I'm ______, TV-10 news," we had him do it in front of a whole bunch of kids, and they yelled the TV-10 news part of it. It's adorable.

I'm Phoemeister, TV-10 news.

* Yes, I spend way too much time at TV-10. I even saw a guy I know when I was there who apparently didn't know about my Thursday shift who, upon discovering I was there, said, "Whoa. You're here ALL the TIME. Do you live here?

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