Friday, October 29, 2004

TV-10 was good today. I got to go to the zoo again today! We had a lot of fun looking at the animals, climbing onto things precariously balanced with heavy, extremely expensive video equiptment... but I digress. Hanging out with the animals was cool.

Another great thing: our sports guy dressed up as Ron Burgundy(sp?) from Anchorman for Halloween, and did his part of the newscast AS Ron Burgundy. I've never actually watched Anchorman, but I've seen the ads, and he had the voice dead on. Also funny was his fake moustache that fell off every 5 seconds. Also, everyone loved the piece I did with the dogs. So all and all, a good time.

I eat a dog biscuit every night! Helps me sleep!

--Sports Guy as Ron Burgundy commenting on my story.

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