Thursday, October 28, 2004

TV-10 was fun today. We went to this gourmet dog treat shop that was selling treats shaped like donkeys and elephants for the election. We called up everyone we knew with dogs to get them to come over so we'd have some interesting B-roll, but no one would (my sister's dog was at the groomers during this, the one time he would've been handy). But thankfully, the store owner called up a couple of her regulars and they were there with their dogs.

The best part was, on Wednesday a reporter we knew did a similar story, only about republican & democratic frozen custard at Culver's. During her standup, she took a spoonful of some and was like, "Mmmmmmmm! Deeeeeeelectable!" So to take the piss out of her*, my reporter did the exact same thing in his stand up, only with a dog biscuit. It was classic.

* Ha, I'm so conceited. For anyone who hasn't encountered the phrase "taking the piss" out of someone, it means to tease someone. In british. Which I obviously think I should be.

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