Saturday, October 30, 2004

Man, I love blogsnob. The ad on there when I looked at my blog just now was "Bisexual Fence Sitters: Why lesbians have much disdain for bisexual women." Honestly, I had no idea that lesbians had much disdain for bisexual women. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm a straight women and am supposed to disdain uh, I don't know, women who's shoes don't match their outfits. Which, would be me. I'm supposed to disdain myself. Which is a lot of work, so I can't be bothered with keeping up with lesbian and bisexual politics.

Anyway, I've been out driving today. My news director says I have the option of two different internships: WEEK or WMBD. WEEK is by far the superior internship, because interns there do a lot, learn a lot, and have a lot of good material they can put on resume tapes afterwards. However, interns at WEEK have to drive all over the place by themselves without getting hopelessly lost, a task I find somewhat difficult. At WMBD, I wouldn't have to drive much, but I wouldn't get to do overly much. So I'm trying to just go out driving and find random things in order to get comfortable with it so I can go to WEEK.

And actually, I'm better than I thought, once I have a decent map. I think half my problems before have stemmed from having this crappy-ass map at TV-10. The other half is being so dependent on maps in the first place, as opposed to being able to keep directions in my head. But I think having a good map will be enough. I think I can handle it. The only thing I have to conquer now is interstate driving (another requirement). I practiced some last year, but I still have the idea that I'm dangerously incompetant at merging. I mean, I've merged dozens of times, but I was with my dad, and he basically would be like, "go now!" as opposed to me figuring out when to go, which I have no idea when it's clear enough or not. However, I'm going to have to master interstate driving anyway, to commute to Peoria, because that's where ALL the stations I could possibly intern at are.

I've never been so lost
I've never felt so much at home
please write my folks and throw away the keys
I woke up in a car

"I Woke Up In a Car," Something Corporate

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