Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Well today I just found out I have an essay due on Thursday. There's no syllabus for the class, he's sort of got a schedule on the website, but it's not the same. Plus, it has absolutely no dates, just week 1, 2, 3, etc. And it's segmented so you can't look at the whole thing at the same time.

So if, like me, you were just looking at next week for the reading assignments, you won't know a whole lot ahead of time. And if, like me, you can't make heads or tails of the page for each week anyway, you get no notification at all. I wouldn't have even known about the paper at all if someone hadn't brought it up in class today.

Anyway, I guess I shouldn't get so outraged. We all know I was going to do the paper Wednesday afternoon anyway, no matter when I was notified. The only thing that gets me is if we asked the prof ahead of time, we could analyze any film we wanted for the paper, but since I didn't know until now, I have to use one of the films we viewed for class, which I don't know as well as some of the movies I have on DVD lying around the house, and have to go out and rent, hoping that it's actually in stock at a rental place.

I am so glad that this is my last semester.

Let me out, let me out, I'm singin'
Let me out, let me out I'm singin'

"Let Me Out," Future Leaders of the World

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