Tuesday, October 05, 2004

So... I am the worst liar of all time. I was complaining about how cold it was waiting in line for the concert etc. and my mom totally could tell I went alone, and was like, "You went alone, didn't you?" and I had to admit it, because lying about whether or not I'm lying is something I'm even more horrible at than straight out lies. Fortunately, she wasn't too angry.

In other news, I talked to my news director about internships today. See, I had been trying to get one on my own since last semester, and it didn't work too swell. The production director (as I am a production student) was supposed to help me out with it, but 1) he was rather apathetic about it when I first asked him and 2) I never really pushed him on it afterwards because I hate trying to talk to him about things because he's extremely moody and you never know if you're going to get happy P.D. or angry P.D. when you ask him something.

But it sort of came up with my News Director at IBA, only she didn't have time to discuss then. So I did talk to her about it today, and it sounds like if she talks to one of the Peoria stations for me I pretty much have an internship in the bag. Which is kickass and takes a lot of stress off of my shoulders. Also she said she'd look out for a floor director job (pretty much the entry level position in most TV stations) for me too, so that I could earn a little money (internships are unpaid) on the side while getting even more precious experience on the ol' resume.

I was also in a fabulous mood after this talk because she was so complimentary to me about how easy it would be to find an internship for someone whose photographic skillz and attitude are as good as mine. The photographic skillz are partly because I've been there longer than most people, but it's still nice to know that doing the time has increased the skillz. Hearing that I have a good attitude is also hugely pleasing, as I often worry whether I have the proper perky attitude people seem to want. I got let go from my last job almost as much for my attitude as for taking illicit pee breaks. True Story.

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