Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Ugh. Remember McGee? The prof I used to bitch about all the time?

Well if you don't, here's a recap: he is the worst prof I've ever had. And that's saying something. He would teach us feminism and mention that he used to work at Playboy in the same breath, he only got through two very easy chapters of material the entire semester because he was so busy blabbing about random crap, and he made us write these pointless papers and revise them 800 times and give the people he liked good grades and the people he disliked bad grades, not taking the actual quality of the paper into account whatsoever.

BUT, I was his favorite. Because I spoke up in class (just to keep myself awake during), he assumed I really loved the class or had an analytic mind or something, and he loved me.

So yesterday I hit him up for a reccommendation. We have to have a prof fill out a form evaluating our various skills as part of our application for an internship for school credit. Which, I don't need school credit, but if I don't apply for and get school credit for an internship, no one will hire me, it's something to do with insurance and accountability, they can complain to ISU if I fuck up. So anyway, I figure if McGee loves me so much, I might as well put it to use, and I e-mailed him about it.

I got this e-mail back that's all, "Oh, filling out forms is NOT my style. The only reccomendations I ever give out are 300 word letters. AND, I'm really busy right now, so I don't have time to write a 300 word letter for you. So, you get nothing at all from me, because I am a useless pimple of a man." Really. You couldn't take time to just fill out the stupid form? The reccomendation is pointless anyway! I'm a shoo in for being accepted. Both my news director and production director are happy with me, and they're ON the committee that decides this crap. I just need to get the paperwork filled out.

I know that's a huge long setup for, "Isn't he such a pretentious, good-for-nothing-bastard?" and I DID get a reccomendation from another professor, but it really bugged me, so I felt like blogging it out.

newsroom conver after TV-10 today:

Anchor: Yeah, I'm glad you've never accidently unclipped our mics. Between stories all we do is say fuck or make fun of people. Wait, can you hear what we say in the headset?
Me: No. But we have our own jokes in the control room. Only they're kind of lame because we still have to pay attention to what we're doing.

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